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The Ninja Selling Podcast

Jul 15, 2021

Continuing on with our last episode about taking extreme ownership, Matt and Garrett discuss Marianne Williamson’s moving poem, “Deepest Fear,” a beautiful representation of why we sometimes do not show up in life as our full, brilliant selves, and the power that comes with embracing how much we are truly capable of. Many of us often “play small” and stay in the darkness because it feels comfortable and safe, but our hosts explain that this does not serve the world, and that we all deserve to grow and let our lights shine at their brightest. Pushing through discomfort to the growth zone, and going after big goals actually inspires others to do the same, and creates a culture of people who are living their best, most authentic selves - who are liberated from fear, and feel free to pursue their passions wholeheartedly, which we can all learn so much from in turn.

Matt and Garrett share their insights on each enlightening section of  “Deepest Fear.” They talk about reconnecting with our childlike mindset of seeing opportunity everywhere, and feeling excited to learn and grow as much as we can. You’ll also hear about letting go of fear, giving yourself and others permission to be exactly who you are, and reframing life’s challenges as happening for us, not to us. Garrett reflects on how these principles have guided him personally, and explains that if you start by tackling small obstacles in your life, you’ll slowly start to chip away at barriers and suddenly find yourself overcoming bigger fears. Together with Marianne Williamson’s empowering words, today’s conversation shows us what can happen when we no longer fear our light, but instead allow it to shine the way it was meant to.

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Episode Highlights

  • Ninja principles apply to any business or industry
  • Matt shares Marianne Williamson’s “Deepest Fear,” a poem that demonstrates why we sometimes don’t show up or why we’re not as amazing as we could be
  • They begin with the idea that our deepest fear is that we’re powerful beyond measure
  • Massive breakthroughs happen when we realize how powerful we are and what we’re capable of
  • It can feel comfortable to hide in the darkness as it can feel scary when your light is shining and all eyes are on you
  • This comes back to taking ownership and moving into the growth zone
  • We all start to question ourselves and our abilities as time goes on, but there is so much power in accepting that we all deserve to grow and be our best selves
  • When you ask yourself, “Who am I to be (fill in the blank of whatever you want to be)?”, turn it around and say, “Who am I not to be those things?”
  • There is nothing stopping you from being the person you want to be
  • Sometimes we play small so we don’t make others feel inadequate, ruffle feathers, rock the boat
  • But this doesn’t help you or anyone else
  • As you get older, you don’t want to look back and wish you would have taken action or done something differently
  • Playing small does not serve this world
  • Embracing your full potential and going after big goals actually inspires others to move out of their comfort zone as well
  • Fear of discomfort stops a lot of people from pursuing growth
  • Analogy of parents trying to protect their children from getting hurt, but setting these limits prevents growth
  • Children see opportunity and brightness everywhere, but at some point, many of us lose this attitude
  • Ninja can help you change your belief system and reconnect with that childhood mindset of embracing the world around you
  • When children find something that are interested in, they dive in wholeheartedly
  • We can learn so much from their energy and their excitement about learning and growing
  • When we experience challenges, remember to take on the mindset that life happens for us, not to us
  • There’s safety in making sure other people are staying with us
  • But when you give people permission to go outside the box and let their light shine, you’ll be able to learn so much from them as well
  • Give yourself permission to be exactly who you are, not what anyone else thinks you should be
  • Living without fear creates a ripple effect and can inspire other people through small, everyday actions
  • If you start with small obstacles or fears, you’ll slowly start to chip away barriers and find yourself tackling bigger challenges



“What are we really giving up if we're not really being the best that we can be?”

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.” 

We were born to manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

“The truth is, we are all capable of incredible things.”

“It says it is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. I think that's because you can hide in darkness. When the light’s on, when you're shining, when you're the source of that light, man, you're in a position where it can be a bit scary because all eyes are on you.”

“All of us have this really powerful piece that we can bring to the table if we want to unleash it, every single one of us.”

“Why wouldn't you be able to be that? Why couldn't you be exactly what you want to be?”

“And the beauty of this is it makes you stop and really have to ask that question of, Why am I stopping myself from going and being this person that I want to be? Because it's amazing how much of it's right at our fingertips, when all of a sudden, we realize that we can - we can go do  this.”

“A lot of times, we’ll just be like, No, I'm just going to play it [small] right here. I don't want to ruffle any feathers. I don't want to rock the boat. I don't want to do anything. But that actually doesn't really help.”

“My playing small does not serve this world. There's nothing enlightening about shrinking.”

“By me going and being big and achieving these things, or going after these things, and growing into these roles that I want to be, it serves other people.”

“I think that level of discomfort as you grow stops a lot of people from the growth. That stops a lot of people from actually being able to really see that light that they might have on the other side.”

“When we talk about children, I think it's a very fun place to come from and watch how they approach learning. Watch how they, when they find something they're interested in, how they go all into it in this incredible way. Because they are fascinated by that.”

“What if you took investing in real estate or investing in retirement plans with the zest and excitement of a child?”

“What are we really born and put on this planet to do? And it's to just share that brightness and glory with everyone around us... What if you brought that into your business?”

“I can let my light shine, and give other people permission to do the same.”

“Give people the permission to grow, give people permission to go outside the box, give people permission to set new standards, because you will learn from them also. You can only do so much on your own. So when you have all these great people around you, and you're letting all their light shine and be the best they possibly can, you get to, at the same time, learn from all of them at different levels, which I think is a really important thing to understand about this. Don't put your fears on them.”

“You can't just talk about things. You’ve got to get out of your element and get out there and be who you are. Be who you want to be, not who others want you to be. None of this is about doing the things that society says you should do, that your parents say you should do, that your boss says you should do. This is about doing the things that you feel deep down inside, that you're like, This is who I am, and who I want to be, and who I want to share with the world. And it's going to help other people do the same in their own way.”

“It's amazing, when you're around somebody who's letting go, and just going all in. And every once in a while you come across somebody like that, that is just like, Look, I'm going to be me, I'm going big, I'm going to share who I am and my thoughts and my feelings and my energy.”

“There's a much greater good around all of this when you truly are moving in that direction.”

“As we grow, I think one of the biggest benefits, if you can lean into this, is if you start small and realize that the fear that was holding you back - when you cross a threshold and accomplish it and move towards it, and you get to see the light on the other side, it's like, Oh, it's okay. I can create, I can do this. I have all these resources around me. I have all these great people I can ask questions to, I have all these great books around me that I can learn from and grow, that allow me to be better every single day. You start to realize by the little wins that all of a sudden, you start to start tackling the bigger wins, the bigger fears.”



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