Jun 29, 2020
As many realtors are discovering, changing times offer the opportunity to step back, take a look at their business and determine if maybe there is something new or different they can do to keep moving forward successfully. One trend that seems to be emerging in this area is that of agents hosting their own podcast, and...
Jun 25, 2020
These days, there are a lot of people out there who are refinancing or buying real estate, and many lenders who have so much to offer. Matt and Garrett are seeing a lot of successes in this area, but also some frustrations, so in today’s episode, they’ve decided to explore the lending side of the real estate...
Jun 22, 2020
As the world continues to work its way through these unusual times, Matt and Garrett are hearing a lot of information and predictions out there which don’t always seem to be based upon hard facts and evidence. That’s precisely why today’s episode is all about education – educating yourself and your clients - so...
Jun 18, 2020
While acknowledging that opportunity exists in every market in these times, the one in particular that Matt and Garrett take look at today is the second home market. This time of year is typically an active time for this market, and with the added dimension of the reopening of society that is occurring across our...
Jun 15, 2020
What are you looking for out there right now? What are you deciding to focus on that you want to see more of? These are the two questions that Matt and Garrett address in today’s episode, as they explore the core Ninja concept ‘what you focus on expands’.
They start by looking at the mindsets that emerged at the...