Mar 31, 2022
Before diving into this episode’s topic addressing scarcity mindsets and complaining, Matt and Garrett thank Ada Handley, a Ninja who sent them a message about a previous episode on the 5-Step Calling Process. She was listening to it on an early-morning drive to Utah and asked, “What about the 5-Step Calling Process...
Mar 28, 2022
Garrett and Matt are excited about today’s episode for two reasons: first, this is the first podcast episode since early January in which Garrett is standing! He broke his leg on January 12, but he is now up and at ‘em, and able to move around. The second reason they’re excited is because they are discussing...
Mar 24, 2022
Matt and Garrett are back today with a topic that Matt was inspired to bring forward partly due to listening to an interview with Gino Wickman, the author of such books as Traction, The EOS Life, and Rocket Fuel. Given the recently increasing popularity of the entrepreneur culture, today our hosts take a look at what...
Mar 21, 2022
In today’s episode, Matt and Garrett discuss a question that someone posted on the Ninja Selling Podcast group on Facebook, asking “When is it time to let my other job go, and go full-time as a real estate agent?” - a question that comes up a lot. In considering this query, they dive into mindset and attitudes and...
Mar 17, 2022
In today’s episode, Matt and Garrett talk about how important it is to have people in your life who will call you out on your stuff, or who will hold you accountable. Everyone needs at least one person who will help them put all their excuses behind them and take action to be successful, and that is precisely what our...